When you look at your entire house it seems unrealistic to get organized. With a few quick tips the project suddenly becomes a reality.


Find a place for everything. We all know if the item we are holding is hard to put away we will leave it out. Put items we use often in easy to put away places and you are more likely to put them away.

Don’t accept clutter. We all like free stuff, but are you really going to use it? It is better not to bring stuff into our home that just becomes clutter.

Get rid of duplicates. Unless the item you just purchased is a consumable, be prepared to get rid of the one you already have. There is very rarely any reason to have more than one coffee pot for instance.

Wardrobe. Go through your clothes at the end of each season. Go through your kids as well. You will be surprised at how many items you didn’t wear. Take them to a charity. De-cluttering and organizing doesn’t just mean reorganizing.

Make a schedule. Your kitchen and family room need to be de-cluttered daily. Other rooms might need to be done weekly or even monthly. Make a schedule and stick to it. You will love how organized your home becomes.